Special Moroccan Secret Kitchen, Fri 16th & Sat 17th May 2014
Special Moroccan Secret Kitchen
with Katharina Graf
Minced meat pastries (kefta briwat)
with cucumber & thyme cocktails and carrot & peach juice
Freshly baked bread (batbout) with lentil & tomato dip (shlada bel âadiss),
aubergine salad (zâalouk), green pepper salad (taktouka) and olives
Thrice-steamed couscous with lamb in sweet onion, raisin and almond sauce (tfaya),
served with buttermilk (lben)
Sesame & aniseed butter cookies (ghriba), almond pastries (mhancha)
and date & honey pastries (briwat bet timar) with fresh fruit
Moroccan mint tea and spiced coffee
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