Culinary Anthropologist

Sur le carrousel gourmand


Smcarrousel0001.jpgHello from Paris, where we are caught up in a merry-go-round of sightseeing, bistro-sampling and market shopping.

From now on we’ll be trying to keep this site updated with recipes, other culinary notes from our travels and the odd journal entry to let you know where we’ve got to and what we’ve managed to write up.

Next stop Alsace…

You can see some of our photos from France here.


  1. Bebsy

    I just want to add a health warning for this site.
    Although this might seem like a blatant case of stating the obvious (now there’s a tortology – no, nothing to do with cake Anna, get your mind off food woman!), but we went to stay with Anna and Matt for three days in San Francisco and felt like a couple of geese being force-fed on the foie gras production line.
    Eat, drink, eat, drink, eat, drink. That is all we did. Saturated fats are bad for the waistline but so are Matt and Anna.
    And a request – could you add a feature to the map please that allows us to keep track of changes in girth, calculations as to girth change per mile, gallon of fuel etc.
    Enjoy it guys! Becs x

  2. Anna

    Funny you should mention that – had some Hungarian foie gras tonight in Budapest and thought of you.
    Still working on map girth features but rest assured that they are increasing proportionally to distance covered (now scarily over 4,000km) although presumably nothing compared to the current state of yours 🙂