Culinary Anthropologist

Pistils at dawn

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Smbarnabysaffron0001.jpgToday Barnaby got up before dawn, for the first time ever.  He’d heard there was ‘vegetable gold’ growing up in the mountains around Taliouine here in Morocco.  But all he could find were tiny green leaves growing in tiny square plots of earth.

Then Barnaby noticed a beautiful purple flower.  He thought it was lovely.

Some women who were up at dawn too told him to pick the flowers, carefully pull out the bright red three-pronged pistils, dry them and use them as a spice in his tagines and couscous dishes.  Great, thought Barnaby; he’d found the vegetable gold!

But then he found out you need to pick 150 flowers to make just 1g of spice.  And picking pistils out of crocuses with paws isn’t easy.  No wonder saffron‘s the most expensive product in the world!

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