Culinary Anthropologist

Tag Archive: kebab

  1. Kebabs we have known and loved

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    It would be a gross misrepresentation to suggest that Turkish food is all about kebabs.  It really isn’t.  Sure, they’re famous – ask the average man in the UK street to name a Turkish dish, and he’ll probably tell you about döner kebabs.  (Fair enough – nothing else tastes quite so good when all the pubs have shut.)  But as we’ve discovered, Smurfakebab0001.jpg Turkish cuisine is really all about everything but kebabs – the finely spiced Ottoman rice dishes, the seafood of the north, the spices and sweets of the south-east, the olive-oil-braised vegetables and wild herbs of the Aegean. Don’t get me started.

    But having said that, there’s a lot of kebabs in Turkey.  And sooner or later, you’re going to end up eating one.  And there’s a lot more variation – and flavour – in the kebab world than you might think.  Some of them, in fact, are downright delicious.  So to help you find the best and avoid the less desirable, here’s our all-time top most tasty kebab list.
