Culinary Anthropologist

Vegetable box cooking classes

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Do you get a weekly organic vegetable box but rarely use it all up?  Are there wrinkly beetroots, swedes and turnips lurking at the back of your fridge, making you feel guilty? 

Well, you’re not alone.  Surveys have found that the majority of veg box customers have trouble getting through their box, mainly due to limited cooking time, low culinary confidence, and lack of recipe inspiration.

SmPreservingClass0603100004.JPGI’ve recently joined a new scheme, run by veg box kings, Riverford Organic, to help more people make more use of their beautiful vegetables.  I’m offering small cooking classes in London for Riverford customers and their friends, and getting involved with other exciting Riverford events. 

You can read more about it here, and join Riverford’s new Community of Cooks here.  Pictures of my first class – on preserving winter fruits and vegetables – are here.